West Point Trigger Reel - Bulk Packed 1 EA



Lucky for you, we found some bulk packed West Point Trigger Reels in our warehouse!  These are not in any type of packaging, so we are passing those saving on to you!  Quantities limited! Once they are gone, they are gone!


This is a fantastic little reel that can accomplish big things! Weighing only 5.5 oz, this trigger spin reel is pre-spooled with 43 yards of 8 Lb test line. And, for an ultralight reel, it packs a hefty 4.7:1 gear ratio to bring 'em in. Stainless steel cap adds durability. Though designed for fishermen of all skill levels, this is a great reel for beginner fishermen, and has withstood the test of a 7 year old who is rough on equipment ... very rough!

Left hand retrieve. Line capacity:
6lb/50 yards
8lb/40 yards (furnished)
10lb/25 yards

Collections: Online Deals, Panfish Reels

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